FLASH WEBSITE (a preview)

Here's a preview of the flash website I am developing. The goal is to practice Flash design and to try my hand at creating user interfaces. I'm also excited about the concept I came up with for the site--it would be awesome if it became a working site one day. The concept is this: to facilitate feedback between artists through a simple group feedback tool.

As a past design-student, I miss getting feedback from others in class, and I've heard the same complaint from other artists. I was inspired by Reddit.com, which is so simple, yet so effective in narrowing down the massive amounts of information on the internet. Aesthetique would be like the artists version of reddit, allowing the content to be user-generated and user-sorted.  The site would  move the most up-voted art projects to the top of the list.

The shots are too small to view the detail, so I recommend clicking the images to enlarge them.

I created this home page to be inspirational and give ideas of the sort of things one might post to the site for critique. I borrowed illustrators and photographers work from the web.
The gallery pages have a short description of what is included. The humbnails give a preview, then enlarge when the image is clicked.
The first level of expansion only shows the art, title, artist, and description. It is designed so you can vote before viewing the results, so as not to be biased.
The comments and results reveal in an animated drop-down. The goal is for the percentages to dynamically change as the viewer votes.
Just for kicks, here is the collage I made that inspired the idea for this website. I come up with ideas really well by creating things manually, so collage was how this one began.

More to come soon!