David came to me with his cd itself already designed, and asked me to create a cover that would compliment the design and reflect his musical style as well. We were both pleased with the final result.


I created this guide to communicate the vision and mission and impact of Insulindependence to a major medical corporation, so they could understand why they should sponsor this stellar organization.


These are expedition journals I created for non-profit, Insulindependence, whose vision is to revolutionize diabetes management . The goal for the journals is to initiate discussions surrounding the many topics of a diabetic lifestyle, from eating, to exercise to dating, as well as to teach participants to see correlations between blood glucose control and a variety of factors. Each journal includes graph pages, where participants can track and graph their blood glucose as well as insulin, medication and other factors. Some pages are simply designed to allow the participants room to vent their frustrations about diabetes, and reflect on what may make it difficult.
Due to their popularity with participants, I have created four versions of the journal for various trips (although only 2 are represented here).


I made this poster to promote a show at the local cafe. Both photographs and design are my material.


I created this trifold to promote the Denver Marathon to diabetic athletes and help them easily see what the event would require of them, how they could sign up, and get a glimpse of how much fun they would have.


So, over my Christmas break, I decided to give myself a little assignment, and I created a Vogue magazine spread about my sister. I figured, hey, she wants to be a rockstar, I think it would be awesome to work at Vogue, why don't we both live out our dreams right now? Finding my brother's old motorcycle clothes proved to be all the inspiration we needed to get started. We had a photo shoot and a full-on interview, the whole shabang.